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Moray West Offshore Wind Farm

Redwing provided Environmental Clerk of Works services for the Moray West Offshore Windfarm Project, ensuring compliance on cabling, substation work, protected species, water quality, biodiversity, and reinstatement standards. Duties included daily logs and monthly reports for the client.

Redwing have been providing an experienced EnvCoW to the onshore elements of the Moray West Offshore Windfarm Project.  The project includes 60 offshore turbines with an overall generating capacity of 882MW. 

This involves ensuring compliance with planning conditions for two underground cabling circuits from landfall to Whitehillock, a new substation at Whitehillock and underground cabling between the new Whitehillock and Blackhillock substations.

The role involved ensuring compliance from the clients perspective on protected species licensing along the route, monitoring water quality from the cable trenching, associated joint bays and a number of Horizontal Directional Drilling locations, auditing biodiversity protocols along the route and assessing the standard of the reinstatement achieved. 

Reporting includes a daily photographic log and a monthly summary report for our client.

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